Moscow showcase for Kazakhstan tourism
A new photo exhibition showcase Kazakhstan’s top tourist destinations to Russians and visiting tourists has been launched in Moscow.
Kazakhstan – a country of the Great Steppe is on display in Nikolskaya Street next to the Metro Station Revolution Square, and features the amazing nature scenery of the Republic.
The exhibition includes 60 striking photos and four information stands featuring the amazing natural wonders of Kazakhstan, including its boundless steppes, mountains, lakes, forests and deserts. In addition, the works of photographers tell the story of Astana and Almaty, the country’s two major cities.
Opening ceremony
Speaking at the official opening ceremony, Andrey Palamarchuk, chief editor of the National Geographic Magazine Russia, said: “In preparation for the exhibition our chief photographer Andrey Kamenev spent a month in Kazakhstan and saw what I think was only a tiny fraction of what there is to see in this beautiful country.
“I hope that what he saw was enough to surprise you, to make you feel and see how beautiful this country is and what an exciting tourist destination it is.”
Kazakhstan has a natural ecosystem in a class of its own with a variety of the most striking European and Asian landscapes. Apart from reflecting the country’s scenic beauty, the photos also touch upon topics of forthcoming major international events scheduled to take place in the country, including the International Specialised Exhibition EXPO-2017 and the Almaty Winter Universiade.
The exhibition has been organised with the assistance of the National Geographic Magazine, Russia, the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Moscow and the National Company Astana EXPO 2017. It will run until 24 August 2016.