Tenerife High Court continues to dismiss Reclaim GC claims against Silverpoint
The High Court in Tenerife continues to pass rulings in favour of SILVERPOINT VACATIONS, S.L. with regard to the Civil Lawsuits brought against it by Reclaim GC customers.
These lawsuits are part of a sustained smear campaign by Reclaim GC, and Silverpoints vindication in a court of law should send a strong message to companies and members of the public alike who are considering making similar claims.
In short, the court states that there is absolutely no reason why customer contracts should be declared null because the purchasers were perfectly aware of what they were buying and were not misled or pressurised into signing the contracts.
To date, the High Court has passed more than 62 rulings in favour of SILVERPOINT VACATIONS, S.L. This reasoning has also been adopted by the First Instance Courts of Arona who have dismissed 110 lawsuits filed against the company. However, despite the clear message sent by these rulings, there are some companies specifically Reclaim GC that keep this information from clients and continue to convince them to file lawsuits against SILVERPOINT VACATIONS, S.L.
Indeed, information being provided by these companies on the internet is patently misleading and incomplete. Clients are not being made aware of the great number of rulings that have been passed in favour of SILVERPOINT VACATIONS, S.L.This situation is undoubtedly concealment of the facts with the intention of convincing clients that they can terminate their contracts at any time for no just reason.
In view of this deception, and because several plaintiffs have contacted Silverpoint to say that they have been misled, it must be stressed again the importance of understanding the current situation before handing over any money to companies that try to get you to start legal proceedings. Please also bear in mind that SILVERPOINT VACATIONS, S.L. will legally claim payment in full for any legal costs it has been forced to pay as a result of these court cases.
The average amount that has been paid by plaintiffs who have had their cases dismissed exceeds the sum of 5,000 (£3,500). In order to avoid becoming a victim of a potential fraud Silverpoint recommends that you contact the Silverpoint Customer Service Department for any information you require.
They will be able to give you details of the rulings which clearly state that there is no legal reason why the contracts can be terminated. Once you have a clear picture of the situation then you can assess the risk involved for yourself.
You can contact the Silverpoint Customer Service Department on 0800 949 6035 or +34 922 761 533, or email: customer.service@silverpoint.com