In-Room Upgrades
To keep up with their guests, resorts are strategically integrating technology into the hospitality experience.
What guests expect from their hotel-room gadgets and technology changes rapidly year over year. Here are four in-room improvements that resorts are making a priority.
According to Hospitality Technology’s “2016 Lodging Technology Study,” in-room Wi-Fi and added bandwidth options have the highest rollout rates compared with other guest-room tech initiatives.
Keyless Entry
A new feature currently being rolled out by resorts, mobile keys allow guests to access their rooms with the scan of a phone.
According to the “2016 Lodging Technology Study,” 70 percent of hotels currently offer flat-screen televisions, with 26 percent of those planning to upgrade within the next 18 months. In addition, the majority of hotels surveyed said they offer HD content on in-room TVs. Moving forward, more exploration in offering online-streaming services to guests can be expected from resorts. Last year, Netflix announced its first partnership with a brand in offering the streaming app on guest-room TVs.
Room Control
In addition to extending room access to mobile devices, resorts are exploring ways guests can control a room’s existing features and set a room’s thermostat or flick through the channels, all on a smartphone or tablet.
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