Mastering Facebook Live and Instagram Stories
Three tips for more-engaging social content.
In the past few years, Facebook and Instagram have respectively introduced Facebook Live and Instagram Live Video, two features that bring real-time immediacy to posts. There are several advantages to this type of content. “Live video allows an owner, or potential owner, to see the property, its amenities and the surrounding area in an engaging, authentic and exciting new way,” says Adrienne Callandrello, director of social marketing at RCI. Plus, it doesn’t have to be shot with expensive equipment—a smartphone will do. Below, Callandrello shares three tips to get the most out of Facebook Live and Instagram Live Video.
Before shooting, write down a script or storyboard of what you plan to cover so that you have a plan in place once you go live. Have your thoughts together for how you will introduce the video and close out the segment, ensure the area is well lit and that there is limited background noise if you plan to speak on camera. If you interview anyone, such as a couple dining at an on-site restaurant or kids at the pool, make sure you have written permission from them or their guardian.
Film in pairs
For best results, have someone on camera and one person behind the camera. This is especially helpful if you are doing a Q&A session; this allows the person on camera to narrate while someone holding the smartphone can read the viewer questions to keep the conversation flowing.
Go Live—often
Live content on Facebook has a higher reach than other posts, according to Callandrello. So as Facebook’s algorithm continues to limit organic reach for business pages, live video may help brands stay atop news feeds. On both platforms, live content can help create an authentic brand voice and allows owners to connect with a resort in a personal way. You can do an interview, show the weather in real time or share a glimpse of guests having a good time. “Seeing a video allows you to truly imagine yourself in the scene,” Callandrello says.
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